Saturday, October 30


"الإنسان الناجح هو الذى يغلق فمه قبل أن يغلق الناس آذانهم ويفتح أذنيه قبل أن يفتح الناس أفواههم".

"لا تدع لسانك يشارك عينيك عند انتقاد عيوب الآخرين فلا تنس انهم مثلك لهم عيون والسن"

"تستغرق مناقشة المسائل التافهة وقتاً طويلاً لأن بعضنا يعرف عنها اكثر مما يعرف عن المسائل الهامة"

"إذا كان لديك رغيفان فكُل أحدهما وتصدق بالأخر" .

"عندما يمدح الناس شخصاً ، قليلون يصدقون ذلك وعندما يذمونه فالجميع يصدقون" .

"لا يوجد رجل فاشل ولكن يوجد رجل بدأ من القاع وبقى فيه" .

"اختر كلامك قبل أن تتحدث وأعط للاختيار وقتاً كافياً لنضج الكلام فالكلمات كالثمار تحتاج لوقت كاف‎ ‎حتى تنضج" .

"كن على حذر من الكريم إذا أهنته ومن اللئيم إذا أكرمته ومن العاقل إذا أحرجته ومن الأحمق إذا رحمته ".

"إذا بلغت القمة فوجه نظرك إلى السفح لترى من عاونك فى الصعود إليها وانظر إلى السماء ليثبت الله أقدامك عليها".

What Makes for a Good Blog?

1. Good blogs have a voice. Who wrote this? What is their name? What can I figure out about who they are that they have never overtly told me? What’s their personality like and what do they have to contribute – even when it’s “just” curation. What tics and foibles fascinate make me about this blog and the person who makes it? Most importantly: what obsesses this person?
2. Good blogs reflect focused obsessions. People start real blogs because they think about something a lot. Maybe even five things. But, their brain so overflows with curiosity about a family of topics that they can’t stop reading and writing about it. They make and consume smart forebrain porn. So: where do this person’s obsessions take them?
3. Good blogs are the product of “Attention times Interest.” A blog shows me where someone’s attention tends to go. Then, on some level, they encourage me to follow the evolution of their interest through a day or a year. There’s a story here. Ethical “via” links make it easy for me to follow their specific trail of attention, then join them for a walk made out of words.
4. Good blog posts are made of paragraphs. Blog posts are written, not defecated. They show some level of craft, thinking, and continuity beyond the word count mandated by the Owner of Your Plantation. If a blog has fixed limits on post minimums and maximums? It’s not a blog: it’s a website that hires writers. Which is fine. But, it’s not really a blog.
5. Good “non-post” blogs have style and curation. Some of the best blogs use unusual formats, employ only photos and video, or utilize the list format to artistic effect. I regret there are not more blogs that see format as the container for creativity – rather than an excuse to write less or link without context more.
6. Good blogs are weird. Blogs make fart noises and occasionally vex readers with the degree to which the blogger’s obsession will inevitably diverge from the reader’s. If this isn’t happening every few weeks, the blogger is either bored, half-assing, or taking new medication.
7. Good blogs make you want to start your own blog. At some point, everyone wants to kill the Buddha and make their own obsessions the focus. This is good. It means you care.
8. Good blogs try. I’ve come to believe that creative life in the first-world comes down to those who try just a little bit harder. Then, there’s the other 98%. They’re still eating the free continental breakfast over at FriendFeed. A good blog is written by a blogger who thinks longer, works harder, and obsesses more. Ultimately, a good blogger tries. That’s why “good” is getting rare.
9. Good blogs know when to break their own rules. Duh. I made a list, didn’t I? Yes. I did. Big fan.
And, yeah, you should disagree with potentially all of this. It’s because I have an opinion, and so do you. It’s why you probably have a blog. See? The system works.


Friday, October 29

The 5 Lucky Way To Attract Traffics

There are thousand of blog are created everyday with same or unique contents, and how I can

attract traffics and readers to my blog since its newly created. How to 'compete' with other blogger that had same writing interest and content as me. That was my first problem when I created this blog month ago. But as I continue reading and search for the answer I found what I need to do and best off all its free. What you have to do is put some effort and passion on it. Below some of the best tactics that I practice:

Tactics 1 - Use Trackback as a weapon.

What is trackback?

Trackback helps you to notify another author that you wrote something related to what he had written on his blog, even if you don't have an explicit link to his article. This improves the chances of the other author sitting up and noticing that you gave him credit for something, or that you improved upon something he wrote, or something similar. With pingback and trackback, blogs are interconnected. Think of them as the equivalents of acknowledgments and references at the end of an academic paper, or a chapter in a textbook.

How to use trackback as a weapon, the answer is quite simple. First of all you must hunt high traffics blog that the same interest with your blog content or had hot topic content. If I commented on a post on another site I would make sure that I set up the appropriate trackback for it. Copy your blog URL post and place the trackback URL in the original blog. Because trackback are pinged, the owner of the site you just wrote the review for will be alerted of the ping and will view it, hopefully returning the favour for you. Also the other readers also will notice your trackback that can redirect traffics back to you.

Sometime trackback can be the one way traffics link back to your blog. But, I do the trackback tactics if I found really nice post and should share it with my blog readers.

Tactics 2 - Comments to the top.

Maybe some of us know that comment other blog can attract free traffics back to our blog. Yes if you leave a comment in a big blog, surely other reader will give a visit back to us. Why comment other blog. With the advanced of new created widget and plug-in normally in Wordpress, each comment basically will contain your name, your e-mail and most important your URL. With the URL it will be the link back channel to your blog. Easy enough right.

But its not easy as we read here, comment and other will visit you. You must do much more than that to attract readers. The way that I will give here is the best practices if your read other post like this. Ok...first of all make sure you know the topic well before place your comment, make sure you had knowledge on that topic. Secondly, write a useful comment, give your opinion are your idea that related to that topic but not mention by the author. Thirdly, put a value in that comment, a VALUE that can attract other readers. If you do this surely you can attract more traffic with a comment you make.

If you dare enough you can give a negative and bad comment to other blog. Yes negative comment also can attract reader back to you blog. The high traffic blogs will not ignore your negative comment; actually there will publish your comment. Why publish a negative comment - actually negative comment will create a discussion and discussion will create a traffics and interest to readers. This not only will drive traffics to your blog but also will leave a great impact to the original blog. Negative comment sometime can increase traffics to both sides. Here you go a "win-win situation" happen here.

Tactics 3 - Social Community and Networks.

I'm sure that lots of blogger are joining social community like MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog or BumpZee or other social community that I not mention here. These social medium is the great ways to promote your site and attract some readers. If you actively join a discussion on that site - huge traffics stream will be generated back.

BlogCatalog as an example, here you can create a discussion or join any new discussion that created by other. Give you best and humble opinion, share your knowledge and put the best effort in what you're writing. Surely other will see you as a good commentator. Traffics explosion can be generated here.

Digg, Reddit, Stumble! also a good way to attract traffics to your blog, but to make it happen you must write a "backbone" or "pillar" article before other can DiggIt or Stumble! the post. Just 1-3 post with thousand of Digg in front page can make your blog popular enough and by the way attract some traffics. Yes quality content will attract all the traffics, without quality content our blog will be same as other.

Tactics 4 - Join a Forum.

Use Forum a same ways as commenting other blog post. Usually if we join any new forum there are thread that created for new user that can introduce yourself and your blog. Maximize the use of that features, put your signature with your Feed Burner signature or other related stuff that can attract reader. But the 'mother milk' good forumers that is create your credibility there. Credibility will create an authority among other readers. This authority can help you generated traffics and attract more readers.

Tactics 5 - Make a Review for link back.

This is some of the shameless tactics can be practice. Just kidding on that shameless tactics. Nowadays there are lot of high traffics blog and Page rank that offer a reviewme for linkback. Use this offer as a way to attract traffics, like what I do because I know that my new created blog started without a reader and traffics - but after I started to make some review, the positive impact happen. Why not try because it free and can attract traffics. Worth trying without sit back and do nothing. You should also try ReviewBack program, the backbone between blogger to change a review without any cost.

Give Your Blog Posting New Life

Maintaining a consistent blog posting schedule is vital in order to not only generate traffic but to keep existing readers satisfied as well. Often times however time, a lack of writing ideas or simply life 'events' can make it difficult to compose blog entries your readers may find worth their while to view. When you get into a 'funk' like this, it can affect not only your creativity but your motivation as well. What do you to 'snap' out of it and get yourself back on track?

Here are 3 tips you can use to come up with new writing ideas or simply change your perspectives when these challenges make it difficult for you to compose any worthwhile blog entries.

Post More Infrequently

One of the first things to consider when you are stuck for writing ideas may be that you are getting burnt out? Now don't panic since a simple adjustment to your posting schedule can easily do the trick and put that pep back into your step! Try easing back on the frequencies of your blog entries and give yourself some breathing room. This will likely not only help to re-energize your approach but also give readers better quality content to view as a result!

Be Brief

Another area to look at is the length of your posts because composing longer blog entries takes more time and energy. Are you guilty in this area because if you are than try shortening your entries. By doing so you may very well find you have more energy which always helps to boost your creative abilities. Another benefit may be that your readers can now view just one of your posts in a single sitting, just kidding! But seriously, a longer post may be more difficult and less convenient for your visitors to view.

New Angle - Same Subject

When stumped for new writing ideas, go back and review old blog entries to see where you can pick up on an 'old' post and take it in a 'new' direction. In fact most of your postings can probably benefit from further explanation since much detail and depth is typically left out. How can you possibly cover a subject comprehensively with just one post?

A new angle on this same approach is to look at your most popular entries and work with them in this manner since you already know people liked them! Another quick note here is to NOT ignore comments left since they alone offer many ideas/suggestions upon which you can base your next post!

There is little doubt that blog posting is the most important and demanding aspect of any blogging platform. It is common for many bloggers however to occasionally lack the writing ideas or necessary inspiration to create worthwhile blog entries. The discussion above offers 3 suggestions that can help to give new life to your posting efforts. In doing so you can then continue to not only generate traffic but also meet the expectations of your current readers as well!

Wednesday, October 27


Founded in April 1996, Alexa Internet grew out of a vision of Web navigation that is intelligent and constantly improving with the participation of its users. Along the way Alexa has developed an installed based of millions of toolbars, one of the largest Web crawls and an infrastructure to process and serve massive amounts of data.
For users of Alexa's Toolbar and web site this has resulted in products that have revolutionized Web navigation and intelligence. For developers this has resulted in a set of tools unprecedented in scope allowing whole new services to be created on the Alexa data and platform.

Alexa Products and Services

Alexa Toolbar

Alexa could not exist without the participation of the Alexa Toolbar community. Each member of the community, in addition to getting a useful tool, is giving back. Simply by using the toolbar each member contributes valuable information about the web, how it is used, what is important and what is not. This information is returned to the community as Related Links, Traffic Rankings and more.
Want to help? Install the Alexa Toolbar, and tell your friends. The more people use Alexa, the more useful it will be.

Alexa's Web site is built on the notion that timely and relevant information is essential to a vital web experience.
Alexa Site Information - Alexa has built an unparalleled database of information about sites that includes statistics, related links and more. All of this information can be found on Alexa's Site Overview pages, Traffic Detail pages and Related Links pages. To access these pages, simply type the URL of any site into the Alexa Search box.
Alexa Top Sites - Alexa has lists of Top Sites available by country, language or in a category. You can download a free file of the global top million sites sorted by Alexa Traffic Rank.

Alexa Site Audit - Alexa will crawl and analyze your website to give you an in depth view of your site's visibility to search engines, insights into optimization, monetization and overall health of your site.

Site Owner Tools

Alexa has created a series of tools specifically for web site owners. These tools can help to drive traffic, make money, find broken links and more! Go to Site Owner Tools.

Alexa Web Services

In November 2005, Alexa released the Alexa Web Information Service on the Web Services platform. Gain access to Alexa's processed information about the Web, including traffic details

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is considered to be an unethical search engine optimization (SEO) technique. Keyword stuffing occurs when a web page is loaded with keywords in the meta tags or in content. The repetition of words in meta tags may explain why many search engines no longer use these tags.
Keyword stuffing had been used in the past to obtain maximum search engine ranking and visibility for particular phrases. This method is completely outdated and adds no value to rankings today. In particular, Google no longer gives good rankings to pages employing this technique.
Hiding text from the visitor is done in many different ways. Text colored to blend with the background, CSS "Z" positioning to place text "behind" an image — and therefore out of view of the visitor — and CSS absolute positioning to have the text positioned far from the page center are all common techniques. By 2005, many invisible text techniques were easily detected by major search engines.
"Noscript" tags are another way to place hidden content within a page. While they are a valid optimization method for displaying an alternative representation of scripted content, they may be abused, since search engines may index content that is invisible to most visitors.
Sometimes inserted text includes words that are frequently searched (such as "sex"), even if those terms bear little connection to the content of a page, in order to attract traffic to advert-driven pages.
In the past, keyword stuffing was considered to be either a white hat or a black hat tactic, depending on the context of the technique, and the opinion of the person judging it. While a great deal of keyword stuffing was employed to aid in spamdexing, which is of little benefit to the user, keyword stuffing in certain circumstances was not intended to skew results in a deceptive manner. Whether the term carries a pejorative or neutral connotation is dependent on whether the practice is used to pollute the results with pages of little relevance, or to direct traffic to a page of relevance that would have otherwise been de-emphasized due to the search engine's inability to interpret and understand related ideas. This is no longer the case. Search engines now employ themed, related keyword techniques to interpret the intent of the content on a page.
With relevance to keyword stuffing, it is quoted by the largest of search engines that they recommend Keyword Research and use (with respect to the quality content you have to offer the web), to aid their visitors in the search of your valuable material. To prevent Keyword Stuffing you should wisely use keywords in respect with SEO, Search Engine Optimization. It could be best described as keywords should be reasonable and necessary, yet it is acceptable to assist with proper placement and your targeted effort to achieve search results. Placement of such words in the provided areas of HTML are perfectly allowed and reasonable. Google discusses keyword stuffing as Randomly Repeated Keywords


قد يبيع الإنسان شيئا قد شراه .. ولكن لا يبيع قلباً قد هواه

للذكاء حدود لكن لا حدود للغباء

عش ما شئت فإنك ميت ، وأحبب من شئت فإنك مفارقه ، واعمل ما شئت فإنك مجازى به

ما تحسَّر أهل الجنة على شيء كما تحسروا على ساعة لم يذكروا فيها اسم الله

حتى ولو فشلت .. يكفيك شرف المحاولة

ليس من الصعب أن تُضحِّي من أجل صديق .. ولكن من الصعب أن تجد الصديق الذي يستحق التضحية

قطرة المطر تحفر في الصخر .. ليس بالعنف ولكن بالتكرار

الصداقة كالمظلة كلما اشتد المطر كلما ازدادت الحاجة لها

ليست الألقاب هي التي تُكسِب المجد ، بل الناس من يُكسِبُون الألقاب مجداً

في لحظة تشعر أنك شخص بهذا العالم .. بينما يوجد شخص في العالم يشعر أنك العالم بأسره

إذا ركلك أحد من خلفك .. فاعلم أنك في المقدمة


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often considered the more technical part of Web marketing. This is true because SEO does help in the promotion of sites and at the same time it requires some technical knowledge – at least familiarity with basic HTML. SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text. Generally, SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine-friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.
One of the basic truths in SEO is that even if you do all the things that are necessary to do, this does not automatically guarantee you top ratings but if you neglect basic rules, this certainly will not go unnoticed. Also, if you set realistic goals – i.e to get into the top 30 results in Google for a particular keyword, rather than be the number one for 10 keywords in 5 search engines, you will feel happier and more satisfied with your results.
Although SEO helps to increase the traffic to one's site, SEO is not advertising. Of course, you can be included in paid search results for given keywords but basically the idea behind the SEO techniques is to get top placement because your site is relevant to a particular search term, not because you pay.
SEO can be a 30-minute job or a permanent activity. Sometimes it is enough to do some generic SEO in order to get high in search engines – for instance, if you are a leader for rare keywords, then you do not have a lot to do in order to get decent placement. But in most cases, if you really want to be at the top, you need to pay special attention to SEO and devote significant amounts of time and effort to it. Even if you plan to do some basic SEO, it is essential that you understand how search engines work and which items are most important in SEO.

Google Rankings was developed by Graphite-Works, Budapest, Hungary a European web design team, solely to retreive the location of websites on Google's search result page. is in no way affiliated, sponsored or in any way the property of or responsibility of It is however a tool that uses the Google Web API to find domain names within the list shows for a given search, thus is powered by Google. Our service operates by the courtesy of Google Inc., and has been given permission to run by their legal department.

1.: What's the use of all this?

1.1.: The idea behind

Googlerankings was just a random idea at start. We wondered how the sites we develop would rank for certain keywords in the search engine, Google™ and looked for a proper tool to monitor their positions. However we were soon to find that there aren't many such online applications, and the few that are available are either not free or do not have all the features that we need. Thus we developed our own little tool to see whether our sites are in the top ranks, something that is fast and simple enough to be used anytime, anywhere. Thus was born.

1.2.: Checking your place on the list of sites

Whenever you enter a keyword or phrase to search Google™ , it will display an endless list of sites that match your request. In case you are the average user, looking for information, this feature is good enough as it is. But if you are actually just curious if your site has made it to the top ranks on this list, you would need to have a sharp eye and endless patience. For in order to know where your site is within these ranks, you may need to look through several hundres records. This isn't too convenient. And while there are a few tools to help you out in looking for your domain on the list, neither of them is easy to use and free at the same time, except Our tool will look up your position within Google™ for any given search.

1.3.: Know your strengths and weaknesses

What good it does if you know how your site ranks for a keyword? If you did not make it to the top 10, 100, or even 300... what point is there to know where you are listed anyway? Simple. If you know the keywords you'd like to be positioned in the top for, you will know whether your site has been optimised good enough. You will be able to monitor your progress, correct the mistakes, and eventually walk upwards the ladder. Once you know what keywords you are strong in, and what keywords need to be improved, you are halfway there. If you aren't willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on promotion, you are likely to love this toy.

1.4.: Helps to plan your marketing strategy

If you do not have an already set preference on what keywords to rank good in, you may check as many as you like, and see if there are any you are 'accidentally' already good in. Laying down the foundations of a marketing campaign may start at choosing the right words for your advertisements, and if you already know which words will bring up your site in Google™, you'll know what phrases to use.

1.5.: SEO optimisation for free?

Yes. In a way. Although this application will not make your site more popular, it's a great feature to see where you are at... and in case you become a regular... to see where you are heading.

1.6.: Toy versus tool

Personally, it was curiosity that made us build And while it's a useful tool to monitor our sites... it's also a quite entertaining toy to tinker with. See which is the first german site for the word "automobile", see if there are any competitors for your hobby pages' keywords of "modeling" and "model painting", whether makes it to the top 10 of most popular "search engines" ...The possibilities are endless.

2.: How to use the site

2.1.: Know what you are looking for

First of all, you have to know what you want to look up. If used correctly, the site will provide the following information:

If you are curious whether your site is within the top sites in Google™'s list when someone is to enter the keyword "web design", all you need to do is enter your domain name, and the phrase "web design" into the proper fields. will then look up your position in Google™, and return with your rank, which will be a number between 1. and 1000.

In case you did not make it to the top 1000, it will report that your site is not within the ranks it's allowed to monitor. You may limit your search to only look for the site within the top 100, 200, 300 ... 500...800 and so on, which will speed up the process, and exclude the ranks you consider to be too far from the leading few.

Many things depend on how you enter the domain name ( URL ) of the site, and which keywords you specify, but since this service is for free, you may experiment with it as much as you like.

2.2.: Proper syntax is essential

Be sure to check the syntax of whatever you enter. Keywords may contain just about any words or phrases you would enter in Google™, you may separate them with spaces, or commas, it doesn't matter. But if you mistype the keywords, and enter something else than you were originally looking for, the results will probably disappoint you.

The Domain name / URL field is a bit more strict. You may not enter special characters, neither spaces, for they aren't supposed to be in a domain name anyway.

2.3.: Flexible search Vs. restricted search

If you enter the domain name in the possible shortest way, for example , our program will look for any domains that match this phrase, and may bring back any of the following results: , , ... and so on.

If you enter a domain name defining a more exact URL, likewise ... Googlerankings will only show results that include this phrase, thus all previous examples would be ignored. This search will only look for pages on the domain .

Let's say you are curious where a site with the domain name "winery" would be on the list Google™ displays when someone does a search on the word "wine". You may intentionally exclude the .com extension, maybe you aren't sure or aren't interested in whether the domain is .com, .org or anything else, you only want to display the first result which has the phrase "winery" in its domain. You simply needn't enter the full domain.

This may lead to tricky situations though, where you will see, Googlerankings brings up sites which do not have the domain name you entered. To stay with the previous example, if you are looking for the first site that has "winery" in its domain name, on the list of sites that come up for the keywords "wine"... Googlerankings may bring up sites that include "winery" in their URL, maybe as sub-domains, maybe as HTML pages, but not necessarilly as domains. Thus, or , maybe even are all possible results. Let's stop right here. How is the last result possible? Only one way: if the title of the site ( the one you would see on the top of your browser ) has the word "winery" in it. If the index page of has the following title: "Winery, brewery, pub, restaurant, and anything else" it may come up as a result to your search.

So watch what you enter into the domain field. Less is flexible, more is certain.

3.: The results

3.1.: See where your site is on the list

When brings up the result of the search, it will display the title of the site it found, and to its left, a number between 1 and 1000. This is your position on the list of sites for a given keyword.

3.2.: Verify your spelling

Above the results you may check the spelling of both the domain and the keywords you entered.

3.3.: See the exact URL we found for you

Below the title of the page you will see the exact URL of the site we found with the provided domain name. For example if you were looking for the domain the result may include scuh URLs as

3.4.: Check Google™ to verify the results

This feature lets you to check the actual list of sites that are displayed on Google™ for the keyword you provided. See if our tool made a mistake. Don't forget that our system is searching in the complete list of sites, including pages that may be hidden from you, because of your preferences in the Google™ Search Engine. In order to lift these restrictions, go to .


steps in publish your website

it is only 3 Steps in Publishing Your Website
when you take the decision to have a website on the internet . you need to think only in three steps to do it.

1: create a website
2: get a hosting plan ( including a domain name )
3: publish it using a recomanded FTP clients.

when you take these three steps you will have a website published in no time .
